Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tattoos and Beards or Tattoos of Beards

I think the pictures speak for themselves.

It washes off quite easily in the bathtub. Oh, and I forgot to say that she said "someone else did it, it wasn't me!"


Anonymous said...

"Someone else did it" lived at my house when Douglas was about three, unfortunatly for him "someone else" Had to move out!

Unknown said...

Love the tattoos! I live with that almost daily! It doesn't matter how many pens or markers I throw away or hide, Dakota finds more SOMEWHERE!

Unknown said...

Ok, first, this is Logan in a few years... Second, my mom loves to tell the story of when I was about 9, I shaved off my eyebrows and when I went outside with my new look, my shocked mom asked me what happened and I told her, "I don't know, I looked in the mirror and they were gone". I'm thinking of moving to Boise so that our kids can play together. I'm thinking they would have a grand old time getting into things and coloring their bodies. Seriously.. :)

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